L&O: an Abu Ghraib guard is murdered and Fontana joins the squad

Green and Van Buren aren't sure what to make of Briscoe's replacement, Joe Fontana. On their first case, a reservist who'd been a guard at Abu Ghraib is murdered and their suspect declares herself a prisoner of war.  We're looking back at a milestone episode, Law & Order season 15 episode 1 "Paradigm." Our guest is Tracey Ferguson from the Docs That Rock podcast. (Spoiler: Tracey had an important part in this television episode.) The show takes cues from the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib prison.  Support the show.

Om Podcasten

Kevin Flynn and Rebecca Lavoie invite special guests to talk about ripped-from-the-headlines episodes of Law & Order, SVU, and Criminal Intent. It's the f'ing OG of police procedurals!