SVU: Chad Lowe sleeps with his mom, Margot Kidder

The rape and murder of an office worker leads Benson and Stabler to a former company security guard (Chad Lowe) who's eager to get into the police academy. With advice from newly-arrived Dr. George Huang, Elliot channels his misogyny to learn more about the suspect's relationship with the victim. Meanwhile, Olivia discovers he likes two things: pricking women's butts with hatpins and sleeping with his mother (Margot Kidder). We're talking about the creeptastic Special Victims Unit season 2 episode 20 "Pique." Our guest is Sarah D. Bunting from the Extra Hot Great podcast. This episode takes some cues from the 1990 crime spree by a suspect dubbed "the Dart Man."

Om Podcasten

Kevin Flynn and Rebecca Lavoie invite special guests to talk about ripped-from-the-headlines episodes of Law & Order, SVU, and Criminal Intent. It's the f'ing OG of police procedurals!