8 Effective Ways to Let Go And Move On

You are changing.  The universe around you is changing.  Just because something was right for you in the past doesn’t mean it still is.  This could be a relationship, a job, a home, a habit, etc.It happens to you slowly as you grow.  You discover more about who you are and what you want out of life, and then you realize there are deliberate changes you need to make to keep up with the changes happening around you and within you

Om Podcasten

You can't control what happens to you every moment. But you can absolutely control how you respond to the challenges of each and every day. Marc and Angel lead us through relevant and helpful topics about self improvement, time management, relationships, family, motivation, and discipline. Their thoughtful, insightful and conversational style is not only enjoyable and memorable, but eminently practical. Think better and begin to live better today.