Ep24 | Self-Care Tips | If I had an extra hour a day for self care with Podcast Guest | Martina Jean-Jacques Counsellor / Psychotherapist
Our next Think Tenacity Events takes place on Tuesday 20th September at 6.30pm. SAVE DATE and book early using link below: https://ThinkTenacity20sept.eventbrite.co.ukPODCAST GUESTBlack Therapist, Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, (MNCS Prof Accred)Martina Jean-Jacques | +447709 376038martina@mjjpsychotherapy.co.uk | www.mjjpsychotherapy.co.uk Facebook: MJJ PsychotherapyInstagram: mjj_psychotherapyhttps://nationalcounsellingsociety.org/counsellors/ncs20-013...