5 Things Every Teacher Needs to Know about Reading Comprehension

Episode 125: This week on Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, I'm joined by Neil Almond and Christopher Such as we try to decide what the five things every teacher needs to know about reading comprehension are. As part of the chat we discuss reading comprehension in tremendous depth and even find some time to chat about the KS2 reading assessment from the summer of 2023. Whether you're new to the profession or an experienced senior leader, you won't want to miss this one. Support the podcast via www.ko-fi.com/tdape or by subscribing to www.youtube.com/@TDaPE  If you would like to submit a question, email us at thinkingdeeplyinfo@gmail.com or join the TDaPE discord!

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Welcome to Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, the podcast that gives you a peek inside the minds of some truly inspirational primary teachers. Whether you're new to the profession or a school leader with tons of experience this podcast is a must listen. For references, links and extended cut video episodes head over to www.thinkingdeeply.info