A Traditionalist Approach to the Performing Arts

Episode 80: This week on Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, I'm joined by Amy Bills, Tom Brassington and Lisa Metcalfe as we ask ourselves what role the performing arts have to play in primary education. What role do they play, how can we utilise them when sequencing our curricula, when are they inappropriate? We answer these questions and much, much more. Whether you're new to the profession or an experienced senior leader, you won't want to miss this one...  Support TDaPE at ko-fi.com/tdape  Join the family discord at https://discord.gg/xeNhPVRZZJ

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Welcome to Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, the podcast that gives you a peek inside the minds of some truly inspirational primary teachers. Whether you're new to the profession or a school leader with tons of experience this podcast is a must listen. For references, links and extended cut video episodes head over to www.thinkingdeeply.info