Nichole’s Thirst ABCs

We talk about formative crushes A LOT of the show, so we decided to do a little digging… Who, exactly, was the first person to indoctrinate Nichole into the ways of long hair? Why does she seem to like a french fry of a man? Who sparked her love of wide mouths and thick eyebrows? All are questions only Prince, Al B. Sure! and Maxwell can answer… hopefully in falsetto.  In our Plus segment, we take a look at the music from pop culture that marked us. We can never forget songs from Something New, Love and Basketball, Misfits, The Best Man, Cruel Intentions, or Mrs. Fletcher. Join Slate Plus to find out why! As usual, you can follow us on Twitter @ThirstAidKit. Our music is by Tanya Morgan. You can find show notes, and more on our Tumblr at Don’t forget to send us your drabbles by emailing 

Om Podcasten

Thirst is natural… so let’s celebrate it! Join Bim Adewunmi and Nichole Perkins as they dig deep into the various ways women express their thirst, asking: why do we desire who we desire? At a time when men are Not Doing Great, Bim and Nichole want to ask keep asking questions about Hollywood inclusion and opportunity, through illuminating and hilarious conversations with special guests, original fanfic designed to make you sit up, and of course [REDACTED]. Bring a straw… and come thirst with us.