The Pupation of Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson

On this episode, Ginger starts us on a two-part quest to discover the origins of one Tucker Carlson, wearer of bowties and man who lied his way into TV journalism by way of OJ Simpson. Featuring a cat named Bong Water, Dancing With the Stars, and a fond farewell to the 1055 people Ginger had to ban from the Facebook page. For the forseeable future, each episode we will be asking for our listeners to support a family in Gaza. This week, we are asking for donations for Ebaa and her family. Her Gofundme is and you can find her on TikTok @ebaa.elkhoudary. Citations available at

Om Podcasten

A podcast about self-care, because sometimes self-care is screaming into the void. Here is where we use expletives and alcohol to emotionally process the weird and ridiculous things that compose the terrible elevator music of our lives. This podcast is for the purpose of commentary, critique, parody, reviews, and satire. See more at