#26: Productivity Hacks And Organizational Tools That Will Keep You Sane

On this episode Kristen is discussing how to be productive every day of the week by using organizational tools and methods. Kristen shares tips that will help anyone who struggles to get and stay organized in business, family, life, and blogging. • Follow along with @tglpodcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tglpodcast/ • Get social using #tgltuesdays • Don't forget to stalk your hosts: @kgrace01 and @positivelyposie https://www.instagram.com/positivelyposie/ https://www.instagram.com/kgrace01

Om Podcasten

There are so many things that make up This Girl Life; health, parenthood, entrepreneurship, relationships, and so much more. Each week we try to navigate it all with guests who are so much smarter than us. If it’s something you deal with in your 30’s, we’re going to talk about it. So join Whitney and Kristen every Tuesday and let’s get real with This Girl Life.