24 - Concrete Blonde "Joey" (July 1990)

Entertainment Lawyer Peter Vaughan Shaver (Sound Advice) joins Will Westercauw to talk about songs that peaked on the Billboard Modern Rock charts in July 1990. Songs under discussion include "Joey" by Concrete Blonde, "Pretty Pink Rose" by Adrian Belew (feat. David Bowie), "Give It Up" by Hothouse Flowers, and "Onion Skin" by Boom Crash Opera. Season 3 Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/74XFMEq0KcZttPXedAm61t

Om Podcasten

This Is Modern Rock is a podcast about Alternative Rock Music of the 80's & 90's. Each episode takes a look at one month on the Billboard Modern Rock charts, beginning with September 1988. This Is Modern Rock is currently in Season 5 (1992). Hosted by Will Westercauw - thisismodernrock@gmail.com