Episode 446 - Thanos Beckons - 4/26/18

On the day before Infinity War's release, the gang gathers to recount the past 10 years of Marvel cinematic universe movies, learn the origin of Kishore's love of Thanos, and hear about some highlights from the Replica Prop Forum showcase. Plus, the VR Minute and thoughts on Nintendo Labo. (Apologies for the bad audio for the 30 minutes of the podcast--our audio recorder stopped recording so we only had camera microphone audio.)

Om Podcasten

This is the official podcast of Tested.com. Tested brings you the week's technology and science news, with hosts Will Smith, Norman Chan, and Jeremy Williams. There's no jargon here, just solid explanations of the week's news--and plenty of wacky tangents. Make sure you stick around after the outro for fake outtakes!