#9 Communion with the Earth and receiving with Simone Milasas

On this week’s Episode, Sylvia speaks with Simone Milasas , the worldwide Business Co-ordinator of Access Consciousness. Come and join the lightness and play of generating and creating a communion with the earth which may be a greater commodity for your life and business than you have acknowledged. Pod and Poc is short version of the clearing statement from Access Consciousness For more information about the clearing statement, please visit: www.theclearingstatement.com Simone Milasas www.simonemilasas.com El Lugar www.el-lugar.com The Clearing Statement For more information about the clearing statement, please visit: www.theclearingstatement.com

Om Podcasten

THIS IS OUR EARTH PODCAST Invites you to the wonder and magic of connecting with our beautiful planet. Inspired by El Lugar, The Place originally a book by Gary Douglas and now being actualised on our earth as we speak. What can we be that would create a sustainable living on earth?