028 / Your Child’s Mental Health with Abby DeMarzo

On any given day I can go from one extreme to the other, either convinced that I am destroying my child's mental health during COVID, to believing that everything is going to be just fine. So how concerned should we actually be about our kids right now? In this episode, I welcome guest Abby DeMarzo - Licenced Mental Health Counselor who works with kids and adults dealing with both depression and anxiety. Abby shares her expertise and personal experience (she’s a mom!), on what our kids are experiencing, and gives some tips on what we should be focusing on right now with our children. Here’s a hint...it’s not struggling to set them up for school, stressing about their abundant screen time or perfecting their schedule to a T! This is Woman’s Work To learn more about what we are up to outside of this podcast, visit us at NicoleKalil.com

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Together, we're redefining what it means, looks and feels like, to be doing "woman's work" in the world today. With confidence and the occasional rant. From boardrooms to studios, kitchens to coding dens, we explore the multifaceted experiences of today's woman, confirming that the new definition of "woman's work" is whatever feels authentic, true, and right for you. We're shedding expectations, setting aside the "shoulds", giving our finger to the "supposed tos". We're torching the old playbook and writing our own rules. Who runs the world? You decide. Learn more at nicolekalil.com