032 / There’s No Right Time To Start A Business with Melissa Lorenzo-Hervé
In this episode, I welcome guest Melissa Lorenzo-Hervé - Full-Time Attorney Editor, CEO/Co-Founder/Creative Director of Pirouette, wife and mother of 2. Melissa shares with us some great insight into managing a very busy life, as well as how one goes about starting a new business with limited time. It may feel like other people have more capacity, more talent or more luck than you. It’s easy to compare ourselves to others and feel behind. But like Melissa, like myself (regular people like you!) we are so much more capable than we give ourselves credit for. This has nothing to do with perfection, there’s no perfect way to start a business, there’s no perfect way to do any of this. We as women are so many things to so many people. But who are you, for YOU? There’s purpose inside you. There are dreams and passions, for you, and I believe it’s time to honor them. Because I can’t think of anything more important to redefining Woman’s Work, than the notion that we show up as our authentic selves, with all our gifts, with all of our strengths, so we can take the world to its feet. This is Woman’s Work To learn more about what we are up to outside of this podcast, visit us at NicoleKalil.com