052 / Writing Your Book with Lainey Cameron

Who else is obsessed with books? Reading is my happy place and I love the smell of the pages (weird, I know). I am in awe of the writers of books, the creators of stories, the speakers of truth. But writing the amazing book isn’t the only challenging part, then you need to publish, distribute, and promote it. And then you get to hear everyone’s opinions, reactions and critiques about your work. I’ve invited Lainey Cameron - A past tech industry executive turned award winning author of “The Exit Strategy” (an Amazon #1 Best Seller), to join us today. Lainey talks about why she made the career change, and how she navigated both the good and the hard of writing her first book. For any aspiring writer (like me!) who’s had it on their bucket list to write a book but has a long list of excuses, let’s get into action. As the great Maya Angelou once said “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” This is Woman’s Work. To learn more about what we are up to outside of this podcast, visit us at NicoleKalil.com

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Together, we're redefining what it means, looks and feels like, to be doing "woman's work" in the world today. With confidence and the occasional rant. From boardrooms to studios, kitchens to coding dens, we explore the multifaceted experiences of today's woman, confirming that the new definition of "woman's work" is whatever feels authentic, true, and right for you. We're shedding expectations, setting aside the "shoulds", giving our finger to the "supposed tos". We're torching the old playbook and writing our own rules. Who runs the world? You decide. Learn more at nicolekalil.com