065 / Gender Equity And Steps To Get There with Maureen Devine-Ahl
I have found my mission twin and am so thrilled for this conversation on all things gender equity! I am joined by Maureen Devine-Ahl - Founder and Principal at Candor & Company, Author of “How To Make The Matriarchy,” and fellow woman on a mission to achieve gender equity in her lifetime. She is committed to eliminating barriers and coaches both women and leaders as a women’s empowerment advocate. (Sound like someone you know??) I get that not everyone is as passionate as I am about gender equity, equal pay, getting women in leadership and seeing more women start businesses, write business books… but I truly believe it would be a better world if ALL humans were valued as equals (not as the same, but valued in our differences… equal in our rights and opportunities). Individually, we are all whole, worthy and valuable, but we become better together. Find your people, find your tribe, share those passions, support each others risks, aim high, dream big and tell all the naysayers to get the f*$k out of the way because you have important work to do. This Is Woman’s Work. To learn more about Maureen Devine-Ahl please visit:candorandcompany.com To learn more about what we are up to outside of this podcast, visit us at NicoleKalil.com