068 / Ditch the Sleazy Sales Tactics with Erika Tebbens
Whether it be a product, service or career opportunity, we are all selling or being sold to on a daily basis. Sales is a part of our lives. So we might as well create an empowered and productive perception of it, aaaaand we might as well be good at it. I’ve invited Erika Tebbens - Business Strategist, Sales and Marketing Coach, and fellow Podcaster, who’s on a mission to help people ditch the sleazy sales tactics, and find real solutions for real businesses. Erika shares with us her S.A.L.E.S method to authentic selling. If sales and self promotion is ultimately about confidence, courage and impact, then it’s time we all get to it. Because if not you, then who? And if not now, then when? Let’s support, promote, encourage, hire, say yes to women who are bravely putting themselves out there… let’s celebrate women in sales! This is Woman’s Work. To learn more about Erika Tebbens please visit: www.erikatebbens.com For Erika’s free downloadable guide to her No-Sleaze Sales Method visit:https://erikatebbensconsulting.com/no-sleaze-selling To learn more about what we are up to outside of this podcast, visit us at NicoleKalil.com