145 / How To Talk To Your Enemies with Alicia Dunams
I admire SO MUCH when I see people deal with difficult personalities, big egos, or people who’ve done major harm and they somehow manage to stay cool, calm, and collected. Being able to have a productive conversation with someone who makes your blood boil is a true superpower. Which is why I’ve invited Alicia Dunams, speaker, coach, certified mediator, peacemaker and author of the book, How to Talk to Your Enemies to the show. She shares specific words, phrases, and approaches to start dialogues off on the right foot toward mutual understanding and healing. Whether it’s expressing boundaries, handling political and moral differences, giving sincere apologies, responding to accusations of racism or sexism - Alicia provides the tools to have even the most bitter enemies experience compassion and catharsis. The skill of communicating effectively with people we disagree with is desperately needed. Rage, cursing, and walking away have their place, but listening, apologizing, empathy, curiosity, understanding, healing, and peacemaking are necessary in todays climate. Who better to lead the way than us? WOMEN have long understood the POWER and STRENGTH required to do any one of those things… listening isn’t the easy way out, ignoring is. Empathy isn’t weak, righteousness and revenge are. The irony is all the things they’ve been calling soft skills are the hardest ones. It’s time to do woman’s work. To learn more about Alicia you can visit her website or follow her on IG @AliciaDunams. You can access the first chapter of her book for free by going to www.talktoyourenemies.com To join Nicole’s pod (to get all the inside scoops, free stuff, and the occasional rant), click here