149 / Your Communication Patterns with Cassandra LeClair
Most of us have not only NOT been taught the skills to communicate well, we’ve been taught the opposite. We’ve probably observed more examples of INeffective communication than anything. Think about it for a second… were your parents good examples of this? Your first love? Your first boss? I’m gonna take a stab in the dark, and guess the answer for most of us is a hard NO. I am Nicole Kalil, and you can put this episode of TIWW under the category of “shit we should have learned, but didn’t and now it’s wreaking havoc in our lives”. Today, we’re going to develop the skill of COMMUNICATION… especially communicating the hard stuff. Here to support our learning is Dr. Cassandra LeClair, communication consultant, author of Being Whole, and motivational speaker, who is an expert on communicating in relationships and improving connections. Her mission is to educate people on how to understand their communication patterns in order to build effective and healthy communication that enhances their professional and personal relationships. As is true with ALL learning, we learn best through experience, so I don’t want this to be a half an hour where you got some good theoretical tips, I want you to PRACTICE what you’ve learned. Because practice makes progress. And since very few of us were taught effective communication along the way, we’ve got lots of practicing to do. Connect with Cassandra: Website: www.cassandraleclair.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drcassandraleclair/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drcassandraleclair LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drcassandraleclair/ Click here to access her free guide to unlocking the secrets to true self care To join Nicole’s pod (to get all the inside scoops, free stuff, and the occasional rant), click here