VI4P - How The Confidence Con Plays Out In Our Lives (Chapter 2)

To get your FREE Confidence Building workbook, click here. You will be added to our weekly communication for even more confidence building tips! You can unsubscribe at any time… but we hope you’ll stay with us for the confidence building journey. Every Monday for the next several weeks (as long as it takes to get through Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con), I’m going to bring a chapter of the book to life!  This week we work our way through Chapter 2 and talk about How The Confidence Con Plays Out In Our Lives. Here’s what you can expect: Well, I start with what can only be considered a rant. It was super fun to write (and lots got edited out), and even more fun to read because you KNOW I love a good rant. It’s like a weight off my shoulders.  We explore the confidence gap between the sexes Impostor Syndrome and the difference between confidence and competence gets explored I lay the groundwork for anger and other “hard” emotions for the next chapter Like what you heard? Please rate and review

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Together, we're redefining what it means, looks and feels like, to be doing "woman's work" in the world today. With confidence and the occasional rant. From boardrooms to studios, kitchens to coding dens, we explore the multifaceted experiences of today's woman, confirming that the new definition of "woman's work" is whatever feels authentic, true, and right for you. We're shedding expectations, setting aside the "shoulds", giving our finger to the "supposed tos". We're torching the old playbook and writing our own rules. Who runs the world? You decide. Learn more at