Be Like Red Ventures (285)
A detailed analysis of Red Ventures. The media empire looks like the future of all companies. The boys discuss why. Future buys most of Dennis Publishing. Yes, the acquisition party continues. Is it time for you to get in on the action? And the New York Times finally release their Substack killer. But will it actually work? Robert raves about the T Brand launch of "Soul of Us" and rants about bad data. Joe raves about Hubspot co-founder Dharmesh Shah's interview on "My First Million". ------- This Week's Sponsor .Online Business Academy - FREE business courses. No prior business experience needed. Quick, actionable, under two-hour courses for those looking to start a business. Go through a step-by-step tutorial by business experts like Ryan Foland, Jason Falls, and Kim Garst. Available for absolutely FREE along with downloadable resources, bonus activities, tips & tools, and rewards that range from 1-on-1 mentoring to $1000 cash. Get the training now! ------- Catch past episodes show notes at Get your .site domain today.