#44 She Reflects, She Rises - 11 Insightful Year-End Questions đź’ˇ

In a world that constantly asks us to keep moving forward, it’s easy to forget the importance of looking back. In this episode, Natalie shares a reminder to take a pause, celebrate your successes, acknowledge the challenges and reflect on your growth in 2023. Find out more about Natalie’s end of year reflection process and discover 11 insightful questions to help you reflect on your own year. What good things happened in the past year? What are you proud of? What and who are you grateful for? What challenges did you face? What wisdom have you gained through these challenges? What was the wisest decision you made? What was the biggest risk you took? How have you grown? What have you done differently this year that you want to continue doing into the next year? As you prepare to enter the new year, what do you want to leave behind or move away from? What word or words represent this past year for you?

Om Podcasten

This One Precious Life, is a podcast for Brilliant women like YOU! Natalie King shares the things she has learned, and continues to learn, about living more joyfully, authentically and with less stress. If you want to spend less time in your head, and more time in your life, this is the podcast for you. Natalie will be an encouraging word in your ear and a reminder of how awesome you really are. You will re-connect with what's important to you and be inspired to play bigger in your own life, whatever that means for you.