PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio #1095

This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1095 Release Date: February 22, 2020 Here is a summary of the news trending this week. This weeks edition is anchored by Chris Perrine, KB2FAF, Dave Wilson, WA2HOY, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Will Rogers, K5WLR, George Bowen, W2XBS, and Jessica Bowen, KC2VWX. Produced and edited by George Bowen, W2XBS. Running Time: 1:28:22 Download here: http://bit.ly/TWIAR1095 Trending headlines in this weeks bulletin service: 1. A Radio Frequency Exposure Test Finds an iPhone 11 Pro Exceeds the FCC's Limit 2. AMSAT Declares End of Mission for Pioneer AO-85 CubeSat 3. Down Under Special Event Will Use Former Radio Australia Antennas 4. Yasme Foundation Announces Grants and Excellence Awards 5. VP8PJ South Orkney Team En Route to Signy Island 6. KX9X Offers Five Tips on Satellite Operating Etiquette 7. Emergency Communication Exercise Set in Northern Florida 8. Mississippi ARES Emergency Coordinator Credits Training for Effective Tornado Response 9. New World Distance Record Claimed on 122 GigaHertz 10. FAA's Proposed Remote Identification Rules Would Affect Drones, Hobby Planes and Flying 11. Motorola Wins Lawsuit Against Hytera For $765 Million 12. College Ham Radio Club (W5YD) Marks its Centennial 13. Lighthouse QSO Coming Up On Prince Edward Island in Canada 14. France Authorizes Amateur Use of 60-Meter Band 15. FCC Invites Comments on 5.9 GigaHertz Proceeding 16. The 5mHz GB3WES beacon in Westmoreland England is closing down 17. DX News and Special Event Station Listings Plus these Special Features This Week: * Technology News and Commentary with Leo Laporte, W6TWT - takes a look back at radio when he was a kid, and takes a look at "The Kessler Effect" * Working Amateur Radio Satellites with Bruce Paige, KK5DO - AMSAT Satellite News * Tower Climbing and Antenna Safety w/Greg Stoddard KF9MP - talks about climbing your tower at night. * Foundations of Amateur Radio with Onno Benschop VK6FLAB - will be exploring an understanding of filters and circuits. * Weekly Propagation Forecast from the ARRL ----- Website: http://www.twiar.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twiari/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/twiar RSS News: https://twiar.net/twiar.rss iHeartRadio: http://bit.ly/iHeart-TWIAR Spotify: http://bit.ly/Spotify-TWIAR TuneIn: http://bit.ly/TuneIn-TWIAR Automated: https://twiar.net/TWIARHAM.mp3 (Static file, changed weekly) ----- Visit our website at www.twiar.net for program audio, and daily for the latest amateur radio and technology news. Air This Week in Amateur Radio on your repeater! Built-in ID breaks every 10 minutes. This Week in Amateur Radio is heard on the air on nets and repeaters as a bulletin service all across North America, and all around the world. on amateur radio repeater systems, the low bands, and more. This Week in Amateur Radio is portable too! You can find us among talk radios best on TuneIn.com, or via Google Play. We are hosted by various podcast aggregates like Spotify and Stitcher too. Visit our site for details. You can also stream the program to your favorite digital device by visiting our web site www.twiar.net. This Week in Amateur Radio is produced by Community Video Associates in upstate New York, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you would like to volunteer with us as a news anchor or special segment producer please get in touch with us via our Facebook group. Search for us under This Week in Amateur Radio.

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This Week in Amateur Radio is North America's premier news magazine of the airwaves. We're coming back from hiatus! Along with the news, TWIAR has several weekly features including Amateur Radio History and Archives with Bill Continelli, the Random Access Thought with the late Bill Baran, Leo Laporte with tech news from TWiT, AMSAT news with Bruce Paige, and much more!