PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio #1337
PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1337 - Full Version Release Date: October 12, 2024 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's edition is anchored by Chris Perrine, KB2FAF, Rich Lawrence, KB2MOB, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Will Rogers, K5WLR, Joshua Marler, AA4WX, Eric Zittel, KD2RJX, Marvin Turner, W0MET, Dave WIlson, WA2HOY, George Bowen, W2XBS, and Jessica Bowen, KC2VWX. Produced and edited by George Bowen, W2XBS. Approximate Running Time: 1:35:12 Podcast Download (temp): https://bit.ly/TWIAR1337 Trending headlines in this week's bulletin service 1. HACK: Voyager 2's Plasma Spectrometer Turned Off In Power-Saving Measure 2. AMSAT: MESAT1 Designated MESAT1-OSCAR 122 (MO-122) 3. AMSAT: ARISS Slow Scan TV Transmissions Begin 4. AMSAT: Satellite Shorts From All Over 5. WIA: South African Radio League To Exhibit Science & Technology In Amateur Radio At SASF 2024 6. WIA: Australian Federal Government Hires US Firm To Develop A New Subsea Pacific Cable 7. WIA: Voice of America To Move To New Headquarters In Washington 8. TWIT: Starlink's Unauthorized Voyage in to Navy Waters 9. ARS: FCC Lets Starlink Provide Service To Cell Phones In Areas Hit By Hurricane 10. ARRL: Hams Continue To Serve During Active Hurricane Season 11. ARRL: ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology Impacts 85 Educators In 2024; More Planned For 2025 12. ARRL: 2024 Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Recipient: Kees Van Oosbree, WØAAE 13. ARRL: University of Scranton Will Dedicate A State Of The Art Amateur Radio Station 14. ARRL: Sasquatch Awareness Day Special Event 15. Broadcasters Receive Federal Funds to Strengthen Resiliency During Heavy Weather 16. Next Young Amateurs Camp Site Is Chosen 17. Internet Remote Station Pioneer Keith Lamonica, W7DXX, SK 18. Amputee Patient Finds His Way Home Thanks to India's Amateur Radio Operators 19. Jovan Bojdani, ZA1H, Albanian Amateur Radio Leader, SK 20. South Africa To Take Ham Payloads Aloft With A Near Space Balloon 21. Class Focuses on Radio As A Tool For Women's Well Being 22. DX: FT8 SuperFox mode has been cracked. 23. NASA: NASA gears up for clipper mission to Jupiter's icy moon Europa. 24. WIA: Scientists discover radio waves transmitted over eight million years ago. 25. ARRL: An incredible amateur radio rescue story. 26. ARRL: ARRL Foundation is now accepting grant applications through October 31, 2024. 27. Belarus and Russia are eligible once again for CQ Sponsored Awards. 28. A new science education center opens on the site of the old Arecibo Dish. 29. An exciting DXpedition YJ0VV, is coming up very soon 30. PARC uses WinLink for emergency communications. 31. Upcoming RadioSport contests and upcoming regional conventions. Plus these Special Features This Week: * Working Amateur Radio Satellites with Bruce Paige, KK5DO - AMSAT Satellite News * Foundations of Amateur Radio with Onno Benschop VK6FLAB, will answer the question, "What Does An Actual Minimal Setup Look Like?" * The DX Corner with Bill Salyers, AJ8B with news on upcoming and active DXpeditions, DX, upcoming Radio Sport contests, and more. * Weekly Propagation Forecast from the ARRL * Will Rogers, K5WLR - Will returns with another edition of A Century of Amateur Radio, this week, Will takes us back to the early days of amateur radio and looks at descriptions of the radio laws and anecdotes about their enforcement during those early years, in a segment entitled Regulations and Enforcement, both Hard and Soft. ----- Website: https://www.twiar.net X: https://x.com/TWIAR Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twiari YouTube: https://bit.ly/TWIARYouTube RSS News: https://twiar.net/?feed=rss2 Automated (Full): https://twiar.net/TWIARHAM.mp3 (Static file, updated weekly) Automated (1-hour): https://www.twiar.net/TWIAR1HR.mp3 (Static file, updated weekly) ----- This Week in Amateur Radio is produced by Community Video Associates in upstate New York, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you would like to volunteer with us as a news anchor or special segment producer please get in touch with our Executive Producer, George, via email at w2xbs77@gmail.com. Thanks to FortifiedNet.net for the server space! Thanks to Archive.org for the audio space.