TWiG 736: Socks on the Beach - Pixel 8, Chromebook Plus, paid social media, what happened to Masterclass?

Google's Pixel hardware event and new devices Debate over adding AI to search functions - risks to accuracy? Laws challenging social media's First Amendment rights Movies released on TikTok by studios High production costs of Masterclass Streaming vs DVDs and the shrinking open web Spotify's attempts to expand beyond music in audiobooks Amazon's algorithms manipulating prices Supreme Court case involving copyright of legal search tools Paywalls and closed platforms replacing the open web Pushback against heroic tech biographies and access journalism Impacts of inexpensive screens and cameras everywhere Testing social media subscription models Using AI to create realistic fake photos and videos Hosts: Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, and Ant Pruitt Guest: Paris Martineau Download or subscribe to this show at Get episodes ad-free with Club TWiT at Sponsors:

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It's not just Google. This Week in Google hosts, Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, and Paris Martineau, cover all of Big Tech every Wednesday. Listeners tune in for thought-provoking and entertaining conversations about AI, Internet memes, the future of media, and the latest emerging tech. You won't want to miss a minute. Records live every Wednesday at 5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific / 21:00 UTC.