Dark X-Men Preview, Pride Celebrations, new What If?, Secret Invasion, and Spider-Boy adventures!

 Skrulls, Spider-Boy, and Strange Academy, oh my! Marvel’s Secret Invasion continues on Disney+ with the second episode this week, plus we’ve got news about Venom and brand-new What If? Books. An Asgardian hero joins the Marvel Strike Force game and creator Steve Foxe joins to chat Marvel’s Voices: Pride and all things Dark X-Men and Web Weaver! News- 1:30 Interview- 22:29 Community – 46:53

Om Podcasten

Hosted by Ryan "Agent M" Penagos, Lorraine Cink, and James Monroe Iglehart, This Week in Marvel is the official Marvel podcast giving you inside access to all the latest Marvel comics, TV, movies, games, toys, and beyond! Tweet your questions with #ThisWeekinMarvel or email twimpodcast@marvel.com!