Spider-Man Game Updates, Captain America MCU news, Predator vs Wolverine, She-Hulk, and more!

We’re swinging into all the Spider-Verses with Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 game updates, Across the Spider-Verse in theaters everywhere, and a new season of Marvel SNAP called Spider-Versus! Plus, we celebrate 175 issues of She-Hulk with writer Rainbow Rowell! And that’s not the only comic on the table today. We also get excited for new comics featuring Captain America, Moon Knight, and Wolverine! News- 1:54 Interview- 27:25 Community – 52:16

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Hosted by Ryan "Agent M" Penagos, Lorraine Cink, and James Monroe Iglehart, This Week in Marvel is the official Marvel podcast giving you inside access to all the latest Marvel comics, TV, movies, games, toys, and beyond! Tweet your questions with #ThisWeekinMarvel or email twimpodcast@marvel.com!