TWiV 1035: Poxvirus wars, warp speed COVID-19 vaccine rollout

TWiV dissects a study of COVID-19 vaccination which shows that the timing of initial rollout affects disease outcomes more substantially than final coverage or degree of socioeconomic disparity, and discovery of a novel cellular defense comprising a nuclease that is activated by poxvirus infection and cleaves a specific tRNA molecule to inhibit protein synthesis. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Rich Condit, Alan Dove, and Brianne Barker Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server MicrobeTV store at Cafepress Research assistant position in Rosenfeld Lab CBER/FDA (pdf) Impact of COVID-19 vaccination trends (Sci Adv) Poxvirus-activated anticodon nuclease (Sci Adv) Letters read on TWiV 1035 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Weekly Picks Brianne – Project Hail Mary Rich – Bird Buddy Alan – Blood, Sweat, and Pixels and Press Reset Vincent – Are microplastics spreading infectious disease? Listener Picks Tom – Henrietta Lacks family settles lawsuit Kathleen – Why Insect Memories May Not Survive Metamorphosis Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees Send your virology questions and comments to

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TWiV is a weekly netcast about viruses - the kind that make you sick. Professors Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler and science writer Alan Dove and guests deconstruct viruses, how they cause illness, and dissect the latest research.