TWiV 1041: Novel oral polio vaccine? with Raul Andino and Kostya Chumakov

Vincent speaks with Raul and Kostya about the development of novel oral polio vaccine from the Sabin type 2 strain, its deployment in over 600 million children, and whether it can lead to eradication of poliomyelitis. Host: Vincent Racaniello Guests: Raul Andino and Kostya Chumakov Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server MicrobeTV store at Cafepress Research assistant position in Rosenfeld Lab CBER/FDA (pdf) Engineering OPV (Cell Host Microbe) Poliopolis (Lancet) nOPV2 ( Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks! Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees Send your virology questions and comments to

Om Podcasten

TWiV is a weekly netcast about viruses - the kind that make you sick. Professors Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler and science writer Alan Dove and guests deconstruct viruses, how they cause illness, and dissect the latest research.