Martin Luther "Kori" King Jr!
Calling all abracadivas and abracadabroids: Thot Topics School for Girls is back in session. Abra ooh na na! First of all, you dirty BITCH: we review the Grammys from head to toe and we have some constructive feedback. From BRAT to the other stuff, we go deep and dirty. THEN, little girl: we review the new Lady Gargar single ABRACADABRA and read the tea leaves for Miz Germanotta. Follow the girls on Twitter @VLRTUALBOY and @YOURE2BASIC, and the official pod Insta @th0tstarsxo. Abracado it to it on Patreon. TRY MAGIC MIND WITH OUR CODE 'THOTPOD20' AT MAGICMIND.COM/THOTPOD20. WAKE UP THAT BRAIN AND GET WERKIN'!