Good News for Slow Workers

Do you ever feel like everything takes YOU longer than everyone else? In this episode, talk about what it’s been like for me as a slow worker. What kinds of things have slowed me down, and how have I been able to thrive as a successful illustrator in spite of them. So if you’re a slowpoke trying to figure out why it just takes so long to get things done, this one is for you. I’m going talk about why I think there are two kinds of slow — good slow and bad slow — and why we should embrace the former and try to change the latter. And of course, I’ll give you some ways to do both. How can you embrace the things about your work that you maybe wish would go faster, and how you can change some of the things that truly get in your creative way. By the end of this episode, I hope that you’ll feel permitted to give yourself the time you need to do your best work — and to defend that time when it comes under question by yourself — or by others.

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Thoughts on Illustration is a bi-weekly podcast about Showing Up and Growing Up as a commercial artist. Join award-winning illustrator and top teacher, Mr. Tom Froese, as he shares valuable tips, insights, and reflections from his own experience as an illustrator. Tom wants to encourage his fellow creatives and help them get further on by sharing in a transparent, accessible way. If you are passionate about unlocking professional and personal creative fulfillment, you are invited to follow along as Tom does the same!