Dr. Stacey Kosmerly: Therapists Seeking Therapy

Many of those who work in mental health services are personally connected to challenges related to mental health and many have been clients of mental health services.  OICBT clinical psychologist Dr. Stacey Kosmerly joins us for a discussion of the the very important topic of mental health service providers seeking out mental health services themselves.  In this conversation we cover:  the gift of personal development that can often come with providing therapya brief review of rates of psychopathology among mental health providers discriminating between mental health challenges experienced by providers owing to an underlying vulnerability vs. being directly precipitated by providing psychotherapy and how the two interact reflections on problematic interpersonal patterns that can emerge in therapy - especially early in one’s career bearing our responsibility as therapists compassionately as well as through a lens of radical acceptancethe benefits and insights that can come from being a client with respect to the provision of your own services to clientsreasons why those providing therapy might be especially likely to benefit from therapy themselves (activation of attachment systems/schemas, vicarious traumatization, moral injury related to working in mental health system)consideration of some of the barriers to seeking help (confidentiality, dual relationships etcclinician reservations around open talking about their needs/challenges of working in the fieldComments or feedback?  Email the podcast: oicbtpodcast@gmail.comFinding the podcast adds value for you?  We would be very grateful to receive a rating (and especially review) on Apple podcasts!Dr. Stacey Kosmerly is a practicing clinical psychologist at the OICBT. She comes from a training background in Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). Her current practice consists largely of working to support individuals in their development of skills for more effetely relating to and regulating their emotions and moving towards a more fulfilled life. Her personal and clinical experiences  have left her with a deep belief in the healing that can come from changing our relationship to our emotions.

Om Podcasten

Thoughts on Record is the podcast of the Ottawa Institute of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (OICBT) located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Each week we explore topics relevant to clinicians and mental health consumers from a cognitive behavioural perspective; however, if you’re generally interested in psychology, psychotherapy, evolutionary psychology, mental health, the brain, dynamics of human behaviour, creativity, wellness & performance then this podcast will certainly be of interest to you. Thoughts on Record is hosted by OICBT clinical psychologist Dr. Pete Kelly, C. Psych. Dr. Kelly is a Clinical Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa and Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Neuroscience at Carleton University. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Kelly is actively involved in directing speciality programming at OICBT, teaching and supervision, providing workshops to mental health professionals and is a frequent speaker to organizations around the impact of stress on well-being. Email the show: oicbtpodcast@gmail.com. You can visit the OICBT at www.ottawacbt.ca. Original theme music courtesy of OPK5, outro music courtesy of Baldhero & Van Whelan https://baldherovanwhelan.bandcamp.com