Episode 6: The Initial Moves

Hello again and welcome back! This week I cover the initial military campaigning of the Thirty Years War. If any of you are confused about military terms, I can gladly do a segment next time covering general military terms to this time period. Also for those of you interested, my patreon is up and running! If you feel generous enough to support me, I would appreciate it! I will post relevant images on my website and I will see you next time!Email: 3decot@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.threedec...

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The Thirty Years War was a major war in European history that had a major influence on the future of Europe, yet outside of history people, people seem to know very little besides the basics. I hope you want to learn more about this war and I promise to try to not sound like a dry history book. Welcome to Three Decades of Tragedy!