Is the coronation still going on? Sorry, I missed a bit, the dog needed a walk

Flags flying upside down, Rishi Sunak being criticised for 'not being grounded in our culture' despite his perfect reading from the scriptures at the coronation, and Nigel being accused of being a Marxist for taking the dog for a walk during the ceremony.The Three Old Hacks chew over the coronation, the national anthem (time for a new one?) and the admirable state of Penny Mordaunt's biceps.Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!

Om Podcasten

Mihir Bose – former BBC Sports Editor, David Smith – Economics Editor of the Sunday Times and political commentator Nigel Dudley have been friends since they first met while working at Financial Weekly in 1980s. They have kept in touch regularly, setting the world to rights over various lunches and dinners. With coronavirus making that impossible, what do journalists do, deprived of long convivial lunches over a bottle of red wine or several? Why, podcast of course.Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!