Episode 44: The Occult and New Age – Sue Brinkmann Part 2

Have you started to feel this strange lack of desire for your faith or not really wanting to pray your rosary? Have you started to actually question and disagree with some of the Church's teachings? Have you noticed an inability to focus or an irritability while trying to pray or read the Scriptures? We finish the rest of the conversation with Sue Brinkmann where we share and unpack some more of the false notions and downright lies we have been sold about personality tests, enneagrams, witchcraft, and other

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Megan Schrieber and Becky Carter get down to the real deal topics that tend to be a stumbling block for women as they live daily for Christ. Megan and Becky interview guests about embracing joy, laughter, freedom, and friendship while seeking to thrive in the trenches of their domestic churches. A weekly podcast that will surely make you laugh, cry, and feel a little less alone, these ladies surely don't have it all together but they are inviting you to join them on this beautiful journey.