Beyond the Veil of the ET Contact Experience with Grant Cameron
How are non-human entity contact experiences associated with consciousness? What happened when Grant had his first download event? What stimulated it? Where do non-human intelligences come from? Space? Other dimensions? Do they also live here? Find out as Sean Patrick Hazlett meets with UFO presidential historian, Grant Cameron. You can also watch the episode here. Links Website Twitter YouTube Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Books Contact Modalities: The Keys to the Universe UFOs and Encounters with the Non-Ordinary at Mount Shasta Managing Magic: The Government's UFO Disclosure Plan Triangles, Aliens and Messages Weird: Paranormal Tales of Apports and Manifestations (with Desta Barnabe) The Portals and UFOs of Mount Shasta Breakthrough: The Psilocybin School Biography Grant Cameron is the recipient of the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year and the UFO Congress Researcher of the Year. He became involved in Ufology as the Vietnam War ended in May 1975 with personal sightings of a UFO. These sightings led to a decade of research into the early work done by the Canadian government into the flying saucer phenomena. From here Cameron proceeded to do almost three decades of research into the role of the President of the United States in the UFO mystery. Sean Patrick Hazlett’s Books Weird World War III Weird World War IV Hell’s Well Alien Abattoir and Other Stories Alien Abattoir and Other Stories (Audio) The Post-Apocalyptic Tourist’s Guide to the Mojave Desert Copyright © 2023 Through a Glass Darkly. All rights reserved.