Disclosure Is Coming by Summer with Steve Bassett
Will disclosure of the US government's knowledge of non-human entities visiting Earth for decades happen in the summer of 2023? Why did Senators Rubio and Warner send a letter to the Secretary of Defense about UAPs? What did it say? Find out as Sean Patrick Hazlett meets with activist and Executive Director of the Paradigm Group, Steve Bassett. You can also watch the episode here. For early access to videos & a private discord server, to help build the channel, & to support it, sign up here. You can also provide one-time support to this channel here. Links Website Website Website Twitter LinkedIn Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Biography Over the past 25 years Bassett has helped shape the language and chart the course for a major political movement. He has lectured around the world and given over 1200 radio and television interviews about the implications of “Disclosure” – the formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence. His advocacy work has been extensively covered by news media such as CNN, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and over 500 articles including Washington Post, New York Times, New York Magazine, The Atlantic, Washington Times, The Hill, Roll Call and Politico. From 2004 to 2010 Bassett produced six “exopolitical” conferences in the Washington metro area, each accompanied by press events at the National Press Club. In 2013 he produced the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” also at the National Press Club – a mock congressional hearing over five days with six former members of Congress and 42 witnesses from 10 countries. This was followed in 2015 by a two-year political initiative that injected the UAP/ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. Bassett has appeared in many documentary films and his lectures and interviews are well represented on YouTube. His organization Paradigm Research Group (PRG) is located in the National Press Building two blocks from the White House. Sean Patrick Hazlett’s Books Weird World War III Weird World War IV Hell’s Well Alien Abattoir and Other Stories Alien Abattoir and Other Stories (Audio) The Post-Apocalyptic Tourist’s Guide to the Mojave Desert Copyright © 2023 Through a Glass Darkly. All rights reserved.