The Jinn Don't Want You to Go Here | Darragh Mason
Are Jinn real? What are they? Where do they come from? How are they eerily similar to the Fae? Find out as Sean Patrick Hazlett meets with author Darragh Mason. For early access to videos & a private discord server, to help build the channel, & to support it, sign up here. You can also provide one-time support to this channel here. Links Website YouTube Instagram Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Books Song of the Dark Man: Father of Witches, Lord of the Crossroads Biography Darragh Mason is a multi-award winning photographer, author and researcher. He studied photography at Dublin City University and travelled in Asia, Europe and America, writing articles and publishing photography. He has worked in post-war countries such as Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo. He is best known for hia work on the Aghori Hindu sect and work surrounding the Djinn. Hia work was selected in the top 50 images for the Travel Photographer Asia 2015. In 2017, he received a Performance award in the 'Humanity photography awards' in association with the China Folklore Association and UNESCO , was an exhibiting NOA 2017 artist, and received a commendation in the British Life Photography Awards 2017. Hia work is available through Redux Pictures and Barcroft Media. He hosts an award nominated podcast on Folklore, Magic and the Spirit World called ' Spirit Box'. Hw is also the co-creator of the Sigil Engine, a technomantic art project. Sean Patrick Hazlett’s Books Weird World War III Weird World War IV Weird World War: China Hell’s Well Alien Abattoir and Other Stories Alien Abattoir and Other Stories (Audio) The Post-Apocalyptic Tourist’s Guide to the Mojave Desert Intro: "Mark of the Doomslayer" by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio Copyright © 2025 Through a Glass Darkly. All rights reserved.