Anti-Timaru & a halal pub

Kia Ora, Uncle Tics and The Edge’s Sean Hill here!  This week on the podcast: What it's like sleeping with tourette's We aren't fans of Timaru Uncle ran into some scandal at the Te Awamutu pools in 2007 and hasn't been back since Sean goes wees in a famous persons pool on behalf of Tics Turns out Bennydale had a halal pub... AND The Great Eggsperiment returns for a second time...let's see if Uncle can finally hold an egg for longer than 8 seconds...   

Om Podcasten

Kia Ora team, my name is Leighton. You fullas probably know me as Uncle Tics online. Anyway, I’m a loud as fulla from New Zealand with Tourette’s. The other fulla on here is Sean. He is a radio host so he’s pretty flash. This podcast is about my life with Tourette’s, and navigating everyday situations with a loud as condition.  also, we are @ticheads everywhere.