Episode 233: Fearless Pioneer - an interview with Dr. Daniel Cameron

Dr. Daniel Cameron, MD, MPH is an internationally recognized Lyme disease pioneer with over 30 years of medical, epidemiological and research experience from Mt. Kisco, New York. Dr. Cameron is a board-certified internist and epidemiologist that opened a private medical practice in 1987. Almost immediately after hanging out his shingle, he began to treat patients from the local community suffering from persistent, recurring symptoms, including neurological manifestations caused by Lyme disease. He has since diagnosed and treated thousands of adult and adolescent Lyme disease patients from around the globe. Dr. Cameron is the past president of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) and the lead author of the ILADS evidence-based treatment guidelines. He has become one of the Lyme communities most recognized experts and educators through his utilization of a wide variety of publication platforms. He has authored books, blogs, vlogs, podcasts and social media posts and has been interviewed by mainstream media outlets such as CNN, Fox News, the Today Show, NPR, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. If you would like to learn more about how a farm boy from Minnesota grew up to become a superhero known as the “Fearless Pioneer” and co-wrote the widely utilized evidence-based Lyme disease treatment guidelines, then tune in now!

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