Episode 256: Tree of Life - an interview with Bob Miller

This week Tick Boot Camp invited Robert Miller, a Certified Traditional Naturopath and founder of the Tree of Life Naturopathic practice, NutriGenetic Research Institute, and Functional Genomic Analysis, to discuss the relationship between genetic variants and Lyme disease. In this comprehensive interview, Mr. Miller discusses: The origin stories of the 3 companies he founded The virtue of genetic testing for people suffering from Lyme disease How genetics “loads the gun and environment pulls the trigger” of chronic illness The top genetic factors seen with chronic Lyme disease How external genetic factors, such as, mold, plastics, and EMFs impact a Lyme disease journey Why internal genetic factors cause inflammation, histamines, and free radicals triggering chronic illness. If you would like to know more about how genetic testing can help you on your Lyme disease treatment journey, then tune in now!

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The goal of the Tick Boot Camp Podcast is to help people liberate themselves and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease through validation, community building, belief that healing is possible, and modeling success. Listen to our Tick Boot Camp podcast using all major podcast streaming services such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube Music. Our podcast is also integrated with smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple TV. Ask your device to "play the Tick Boot Camp Podcast!"