Ep:#74 Jon Duschinsky on making more money by doing more good

Can you have purpose driven organizations without purpose driven leaders?  What does it feel like to be in service of something bigger than us?  And should it really come down to tax status to decide if people, or companies, are going to make a difference in the world? These are just some of the questions that get answered in today’s episode with Jon Duschinsky.  Jon is a global thought leader, social innovator and champion of Business for Good.   He inspires future-thinking leaders to Make More Money by Doing More Good, accelerating their innovation, social and environmental impact and talent retention. He has advised clients in over 60 countries, including companies like Airbus, NASCAR, and Prudential as well as the Governments of Germany, the US, France and the UAE. And he's coached hundreds of leaders and future leaders, written two books and lectures regularly at universities around the world. We talk about why unlocking your personal purpose and your corporate purpose is so important. Jon talks about our conditioned behavior patterns, and how they don’t serve us.  And the return on leaning into purpose - both as a company and as an individual.  There is so much here.  So grab that favourite beverage or throw on those running shoes, and enjoy this conversation with Jon. And please don’t forget to let us know what you think of this episode, leave a review and subscribe. If you would like to be reminded of future podcasts and other inspiring stories from TIE, join our newsletter here. http://bit.ly/TIENewsletter And you can also reach Jon on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonduschinsky/

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Welcome to the TIE Unearthed podcast. This is the show where we unearth new ways of looking at ever evolving life around the world. Seen from a number of different industries, cultures, and backgrounds. And there’s one thing that unites everyone I speak to. They all want to do their part to make the world better in their own unique ways. It’s a uniting passion. Whether they’re from the commercial world, third sector, or public sector. From the Global North or the Global South. If you’re looking for inspiration that will get you thinking in new ways, then come on this journey with me.