Tim & Sam: Generational Theory 2

15. Tim & Sam // Generational Theory 2 Hosts: Tim Gillespie, Sam Leonor In this episode Tim and Sam sip coffee from none other than Covert Coffee (Chattanooga, TN) and Arcade Roasters (Riverside, CA). Today’s conversation is over the polarization that is being brought to light between people during this time of pandemic, and how generational theory has affected how we do church. If you have any comments or questions for Tim and Sam, please email podcast@crosswalkvillage.com.  Crosswalk Live (2:50) Generational Theory Part 2 (5:10) “A society can’t be built on that much anger.” (10:35) Epistemological: relating to the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion. (14:35) “We are in a deep deconstruction of what our society is doing and now we are reconstruction.” (23:10) “In the end our job is to curve everyone’s orbit closer to Jjesus” (29:55) “...instead we have to give them something that are fluid lines that can change and expand as they discover things that are truth.”(32:00)   www.crosswalkvillage.com/ Instagram: @crosswalk_village Facebook: @CrosswalkVillage

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Hey it's the Tim and Sam, Sam and Tim podcast, where we host deeper conversation about culture, daily living, scripture, and more. We hope that you experience fuller lives knowing that God is present.