Hugh Odling-Smee & Philip Pullen (November 2022)

This episode features Belfast arts manager Hugh Odling- Smee and PLS trustee Philip Pullen who, as part of his centenary lecture tour, took part in the 2022 Belfast International Arts Festival with a talk on Larkin in Belfast. Hugh and Phil discuss the literary heritage that Belfast enjoys and Larkin’s life in Belfast between 1950 and 1955. Books and writers discussed: A Rumoured City: New Poets from Hull by Douglas Dunn (Editor), Philip Larkin (foreword), (Bloodaxe, 1982) Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse ed. Philip Larkin (OUP, 1973) Andrew Motion- Larkin A Writer’s Life (Faber, 2018) Belfast poets: John Hewitt (1907-1987), Louis MacNeice (1907-1963) Brian Moore (1921-1999)- The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne (HarperCollins 1955),  (Harper Perennial Modern Classics series, 2007 re-issue)/film version dir. Jack Clayton (1987) Odd Man Out (1945)- FL Green The Importance of Elsewhere- Richard Bradford (Frances Lincoln, 2015) Letters to Monica by Philip Larkin ed. Antony Thwaite (Faber, 2011) Larkin poems: The Less Deceived (Faber 1955) The Importance of Elsewhere, Maiden Name, Absences, Single to Belfast (unpublished during lifetime), Water, Church Going, Mr Bleaney, Lines on a Young Lady’s Photograph Album, Reasons for Attendance Philip Pullen ‘s Belfast talk : The Importance of Elsewhere - Philip Pullen presentation, Belfast International Arts Festival 2022 Larkin100 events: Presented by Lyn Lockwood. Theme music: 'The Horns Of The Morning' by The Mechanicals Band. Buy 'The Righteous Jazz' at their Bandcamp page: Audio editing by Simon Galloway. Follow us and get it touch on Twitter - Find out more about the Philip Larkin Society here -

Om Podcasten

This is the podcast for anyone who is interested in Philip Larkin. We will bring you new insights into Larkin's life and writing by talking to people with fascinating stories to tell and unusual connections to the great poet himself.