"The Wave of Change" Episode 016

Episode 016 "To The Internal Win!"  Bill Schmarzo, Chief Innovation Officer at Hitachi Vantara.  Bill had big news that he had shared online, thinking this would be a great podcast, Tman went into action!  Bill said it's just internal news, no way said Tman!  The internal win made will lead to much more outwards success.  In the emerging landscape of change, internal change and winning allies is a huge win and may very well put your organization on a better path to be successful with embracing emerging technologies.  Far too often new technology is thrown out there because it's the latest and greatest without ryhme or reason.  Bill gives a great live demonstration of his framework and design thinking in action.  He also shares a great message about sticking with something and staying doing your best to stay at it even when you get discouraged,.

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Tman loves to talk tech! How to navigate the masses through a sea of technology changes... will robots take over? Emerging Technology is rapidly developing. Old ways need to be smashed with a hammer. RHINOMAN PRODUCTIONS, a division of TmanSpeaks Ltd. - tmanspeaks.com