"The Wave of Change" Episode 018

Episode 018 "Oracle Autonomous Database, the Secure Choice" A great chat with Maywun Wong, Director of Cloud Product Marketing with Oracle.  We talk about the status quo of security over the last 17 years, the increased threats, and the need to do more.  Maywun goes into the value of Oracle Autonomous Database and what does it mean for organizations.  Using Automation in the War of Machines.  Intelligent Cloud Deployment, Self Patching, AI Automation.  Your Bots Automatically Fighting Bad Actor Bots.  DevOps Security Controls give Developers an Armour Suit.  Maywun is someone to follow in Cybersecurity, great insights shared.  

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Tman loves to talk tech! How to navigate the masses through a sea of technology changes... will robots take over? Emerging Technology is rapidly developing. Old ways need to be smashed with a hammer. RHINOMAN PRODUCTIONS, a division of TmanSpeaks Ltd. - tmanspeaks.com