"The Wave of Change" Episode 019"

Episode 019 "So Now What?" Covid-19 has impacted all of us, now what...?  In this Episode, Tony Flath a.k.a. T-Man reviews the podcast to date,  with great interviews, stories covering cloud evolution, multicloud, cybersecurity, big data, data science, analytics, automation, iot, privacy, inclusion and more!  More great interviews lined up.  T-Man also digs in on plans to further develop AI, Data Science, Analytics, & Automation skill set.  Shout out to brother from another mother, Sarbjeet Johal @sarbjeetjohal a.k.a The Villager. a technology guru form the Bay Area. 

...What's your, "So Now What?"...

Om Podcasten

Tman loves to talk tech! How to navigate the masses through a sea of technology changes... will robots take over? Emerging Technology is rapidly developing. Old ways need to be smashed with a hammer. RHINOMAN PRODUCTIONS, a division of TmanSpeaks Ltd. - tmanspeaks.com