"The Wave of Change" Episode 020"

Episode 020 "...And The Thunderbirds Roar..."  The guest featured this week is Mark Lynd, @mclynd ,Head of Digital Business, Netsync.  What a great podcast with Mark.  We cover Cybersecurity, Business Continuity, Cloud, Edge, Hacktivision, but it starts off The Thunderbirds and The Air Force having just flown over Mark in Texas in respect for support workers, you can hear and feel the energy in Mark's voice.  Mark covers rolling out collaboration and security solutions in short amount of time on a a mass scale to help with the impact of Covid-19.  Mark details concerns he is seeing in the cybersecurity landscape and how more than ever having only perimeter control does not cut it and the importance of endpoint security.  

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Tman loves to talk tech! How to navigate the masses through a sea of technology changes... will robots take over? Emerging Technology is rapidly developing. Old ways need to be smashed with a hammer. RHINOMAN PRODUCTIONS, a division of TmanSpeaks Ltd. - tmanspeaks.com