Tii - iTem 0215 - A new iPad, A new AppleTV

Click to listen to latest episode of the Today in iPhone Podcast


Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Today's Sponser is Hover - tii.hover.com


Data Usage Information & FAQs from AT&T

How to fight AT&T data-throttling: Small-Claims Action 

Matt Spaccarelli Sues AT&T

Ultima smartphone car mount

The Mogul: The Ultimate iPad Register

Square's new Register app

Aire Concept Mask Charger

iPad 3 Concept Features - YouTube

SprintTV comes to iPhone

Microsoft: Apple makes old iPhones ‘unusably slow’ 

Samsung: 'we're not doing very well in the tablet market'

iOS ukulele app: the Futulele - Boing Boing

Apple - iTunes - 25 Billion App Countdown

ATF spurns RIM picks iOS

iOS 6, high-res displays showing up in Ars server logs

parislemon • Liveblogging The Letdown

Venture Beat says iPad HD

Apple - The new iPad

Apple next-generation iPad liveblog

iPad HD “Feel Screen” Senseg tech tipped 

You're the Pundit: Will Apple ditch the iPad home button?



Apps Mentioned in this Episode:

Tii - Today in iOS App



Album Projector

Square Register App


Grocery IQ

Splash Shopper



Om Podcasten

The show that keeps you up to date on the latest happenings with the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple TV, AppleWatch, iOS and iPhone Apps . We have news, tech tips, hacks, App reviews and interviews all centered around the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple Watch and Apple TV.