Joshua Clifton sits down with lifelong friend, author, & musician DANE JOHNS at Burg's Hair Palour in West Frankfort Illinois in January of 2023. SPOTIFY EPISODE PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2EdIIdLW2CkEaDYiDTo1pW?si=a63b57a3b5ac4375 ITUNES EPISODE PLAYLIST: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/the-youngblood-podcast-ep-70-dane-johns/pl.u-yZyV4mxsYZ0d8l https://www.danecjohns.com https://www.instagram.com/danejhns/?hl=en https://alliswellfriends.bandcamp.com/album/eleanor https://danejohns.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/5h4nFsb882SVE26xXHc8Jq?si=ftr6w9ZNS9aTcb0GmGRyqQ https://music.apple.com/us/album/all-hail-west-frankfort/1565010600 https://sleeping-tapes.bandcamp.com/ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ntVREsMtztzPzKhulf2i1rN4YmK0SHiGY

Om Podcasten

THE YOUNGBLOOD MUSIC CO. & HONEY GOLD RECORDS PRESENTS: The Youngblood Podcast with Joshua Clifton. VIDEO Version of Podcast: https://youtube.com/@honeygoldrecords The lead singer of the Soul & Rock band RAVENHILL sits down with creatives from all walks of life to chat about the artistic & musical journey’s that inspired them to be the musicians they are today. ART THAT INSPIRES THE ARTISTS WE ARE TODAY! Enjoy the soundtrack of your favorite artists. Search Youngblood Podcast Playlist on Spotify & ITunes to hear the curated playlist for this episode.